- DifficultyEasy
- Length8 km
- Unevenness156 m
- Duration2h
Small circular route around the hill of Endrinal, excellent for a couple of hours to discover the landscapes surrounding the Tambor del Llano, and to situate yourself in the region. Views over all the surrounding mountain ranges (Endrinal, Peralto, Libar...).
Leave Tambor by the Cañada Grande, climbing up to the banks of the Campobuches River, leaving the farm by the blue inland route (Río Campobuches). When you reach the river turn right, following its course upstream (1). We cross the track (Cañada de las 10 Pilas) to continue along the right bank of the river, passing by the Alcornoque de las Ánimas (2).
Further on you will come across a gate, which you have to open and close again. After passing near some ruined walls and many fallen trees, the path continues along the right bank, between large cork oaks and gall oaks, following the river bank. You will discover beautiful pools where you can take a dip, in the spring and early summer, before the river dries up (3). At the end you have to cross the river, and open another gate, in an area where there is a crossroads of paths and tracks. Our path turns to the right, towards the road to Villaluenga. We cross the road (A-374), at Caserío Campobuches, to open another gate that allows us to take La cañada real del cordero (4).
When you reach the small pass, from where you can see Grazalema (5), turn right onto the Colada del Puerto de las Cruces. We will find a gate next to an iron staircase, open it to take the path that descends the northwest slope of the hill, among the cork oaks, until we reach the road to Villaluenga-Grazalema. Cross the road and continue through the meadows, near some stone ruins (6), to reach the gully of the 10 pilas until you reach the Cañada Grande, from where you return to the Campobuches area. We can enter the Tambor through the main gate of the estate, turning left up the hillside to get very close to the main entrance lane to the estate (7). Once inside we can reach the Hotel, following the inner red route (Peñas del Tambor), to finish the route along the path instead of the track (8).