Erosion and deterioration
At the end of 2012, we found a 32-hectare farm with no plots, exhausted by overgrazing, with soil erosion problems and hardly any young shoots. The building of the current accommodation was the milking parlour for the goats.
Fences with collapsed stone walls, clogged and unusable drainage and erosion protection channels, abandoned streams wearing away the slopes and flooding the plain meadows.
First steps
In 2013 we acquired horses for the development of equestrian tourism and an organic flock of forty Merina de Grazalema sheep, which replaced cows and goats.
And we set in motion a plan to restore the estate: protecting the shoots of new trees with herbivore-protection, dividing up the land to allow various areas to rest, planting native trees and shrubs in the forest areas and fruit trees in the orchards and gardens, and little by little, we are restoring canals and watercourses.
Regenerative Management
We are now developing a plan to transform El Tambor into a regenerative agro-livestock farm, which will make livestock our ally in restoring meadows and forests, improving the landscape and preserving the rich diversity that surrounds us. We are founders and very active members of the Serranías Vivas Association, which promotes regenerative agriculture in our environment.
And we continue to increase our self-sufficiency with organic production of agri-food products, km 0: lamb meat, vegetables, fruit and olive oil; soon to come hens and in the future, perhaps, our own wine.
We manage two organic vegetable gardens, one in El Tambor and the other in the valley, which provide our kitchen with a large part of its seasonal horticultural products; we process and preserve the surpluses, and we aspire to consolidate a line of organic preserves for our clients, within the framework of the project we are promoting, Rescate de Huertos de la Sierra.
In addition to trying to improve the environmental value of the farm and make it compatible with the production of basic products, in harmony with the surroundings of the Natural Park, we serve as a showcase and raise awareness of the richness of our environment, its fragility and the need to preserve it; and we add this mission to the walks and horse riding routes, guided visits to the farm, activities of land stewardship and landscape restoration, and guided routes through the nature and heritage of the region, and Astrotourism.
Starlight Establishment - dark sky protection
We have been Starlight certified since 2015. We preserve our beautiful dark sky with a dim and respectful lighting and we have actively collaborated so that the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park has the Starlight certification from 2021, involving the Association of Municipalities of the Sierra, the Diputación de Cádiz, and the AETC (Association of Tourist Entrepreneurs of Cádiz).
- Landscape enhancement and environmental value
-Landscaping and environmental restoration with species native to the Sierra, adapted to the environment without the need for supplementary irrigation.
- Improvement of the native cork oak forest: protection of young trees, recovery of bushes that favour wildlife: hawthorn, laburnum and broom.
-Reduced landscape impact: harmonious integration of buildings, fences and equipment with the surroundings. Swimming pool integrated into the landscape among the natural rocks (https://bio.design/es/). Accessible to wild animals; first public swimming pool of this type to be built in the province of Cádiz.
-Exterior lighting highly controlled to avoid light pollution.
Holistic regenerative livestock management in the process of establishment, to maintain year-round pasture cover, enhance perennial species and increase rainwater retention. The Tambor pastures, green in winter and golden, in "savannah mode", in the dry season, improve at a glance.
- Hydrogeological correctionto reduce runoff, improve water management and groundwater absorption.
-Recovery of traditional stone channels
-Restoration of degraded streams, planting native species such as ash, poplar, elm and tarais, which mitigate erosion from the torrential rains typical of these mountain ranges.
- Towards energy autonomyThe project is a gradual process, based on solar energy, aerothermal energy, LED lighting, low energy consumption equipment and good maintenance to ensure efficient operation. Charging station for electric vehicles for customers and employees.
- Waste reduction and managementSeparate collection; composting and vermiculture to fertilise orchards and trees with manure and organic waste from the farm and the kitchen.
- Elimination of single-use plastic. We have a free water supply from a fountain in the main hall of the hotel. We do not use plastic water bottles. And we limit the use of plastic bags and plastic containers as much as possible.
- Sustainable Water Management. Water consumption at Tambor del Llano comes from our own wells; it is crucial to control water consumption and care for the aquifer, maintaining the wellbeing of our clients.
-We recycle water for irrigation and are installing tanks to collect rainwater.
Water-saving devices on taps and showers; promotion of responsible water use
-Landscaping with native plants to avoid irrigation.
-In orchards, drip irrigation and mulching of plantings with leaf litter and wool from our sheep to minimise evapotranspiration.
-Reduction of laundry by limiting the use of tablecloths and napkins, replacing them with reusable cork tablecloths and recycled paper.
Social and labour commitment to workersThe rights of the workers who make up Equipo Tambor, which are eminently local, are the greatest asset to its operation.
Participation and revitalisation of the territory
We are very involved in the territory, participating and promoting alliances and initiatives to improve it.
- Active members of AMEGRAWe are an association of Merina de Grazalema breed breeders, to preserve this breed at risk of extinction. We raise these sheep organically to produce top quality meat.
- Conference on Land StewardshipThe project, in collaboration with conservation organisations (such as O-live), for the environmental education and awareness-raising of the volunteers involved.
-Co-founders of the Serranías Vivas Associationto promote regenerative agro-culture in the region.
-Collaborations with the SGHNThe Gaditana Society of Nature History, the Gaditana Society of Nature History and the development of activities.
-Delegation in the Sierra de AETCAssociation of Tourist Enterprises of Cádiz
-Participation in entrepreneurship and sustainability programmes, such as Rural Emprende or Look Up .
-Seal of quality and sustainability Natural Park Brand.
Aligned with the Alliance for SDG 18: Quality of the Sky and Access to Starlight https://ods18.org