- DifficultyMedia
- Length12 km
- Unevenness197 m
- Duration3h
An excellent route that crosses from south to north, through the Puerto Blanco, the low sierras in front of El Tambor, covered with cork oaks. Hidden areas.
Intermediate / 4h 15 min / 12 km. Horse or MB, 3h.
This is a medium-distance circular route, to be done on foot or on horseback. It crosses the Sierra de Sierra de Peralto through the Puerto Blanco, ascending the Colada de las Adelfas and descending the Colada de Mata Ruiz. Ideal to do in May and June and enjoy the flowering oleanders, which populate the stream that gives them their name. In the surroundings of Puerto Blanco, an excellent place to rest and have a picnic lunch. Return to El Tambor via the Cañada Grande.
We leave the Tambor del Llano, via the gate of the river Campobuches (TBLL int-2. río Campobuches), which is signposted in blue from the hotel. On leaving the farm, turn right, following the path upstream (1) along the Cañada de las 10 Pilas, towards the Puerto del Viento pass. To avoid the track that runs along the Cañada de las 10 Pilas, cross the river Campobuche to take a path that goes through the forest, without having to reach the track (2). In 10 minutes the path crosses the track (3), and continues among the cork oaks, climbing little by little up to the Puerto de los Vientos, joining the track on the final ascent. Here we encounter a beautiful panorama (4) as we face the rocky mountain of Los Lajares, and then descend along the track to Los Alamos.
There we turn right onto the main track that leads to the Casa Patalagana. It is not necessary to reach this house, as just before it, the path descends towards the river, where there is a small bridge that crosses it. After opening a gate, the path continues towards the south-west, bordering a large cultivated field. We reach a wide, flat, wooded area where there is a crossroads of paths and tracks (see map). Here we meet the stream of oleanders (5). The path runs along the left bank of the stream, gradually ascending it, among oleanders, gall oaks and laburnum trees. A little further up we cross the stream, leaving an Iberian pig farm on our left (6).
The path ascends through the forest until the meadows of the Puerto Blanco (7) appear, an excellent place to stop and have something to eat. Here we must cross a track. We continue upwards until we find the gate that we must leave closed, which crosses another farm that has large herds of Iberian pigs. We then begin the descent of the pass along the Colada de Mata Ruiz. The Sierra del Endrinal mountain range is already in front of us. Our objective is to descend through a magnificent gall oak forest (8) to the banks of the Campobuches. There we have to cross the river, go out through a gate that is hidden under a tree, and walk a kilometre along the road from Villaluenga to the Alto de los Alamillos, as at this point, the cattle trail of the Campobuches is cut off by a private estate (!) (9).
When we reach the Caserío del Campobuches, under some trees, there is a gate on the right of the road that allows us to return to the river path and continue along the Campobuches ravine to the Tambor del Llano. We have to cross the river over some stones (10), and open a couple of gates, but the path is beautiful, with beautiful pools along the river, where we can rest in the shade of the large trees (11). After passing the ruins of some walls and large dead trees, we come to a gate that leads to the Campobuches area. Before reaching the large cork oak (12), we can enter the Tambor del Llano, through the main gate, turning off to the left along the path that avoids crossing the pine forest (13). To do this we turn left, up the hillside, to get very close to the main entrance lane to the estate. Once inside we can reach the hotel, following the inner red route (Peñas del Tambor) (14), to finish the route along the path instead of the track.